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 1. Djanikian, Gregory  The Physics of Travelling Away  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; January 27, 2000 
 2. Djanikian, Gregory  The Physics of Travelling Away  Kelly Writers House, UPenn; January 27, 2000 
 6. Ben Folds  Physics  Rare Songs  
 7. Ben Folds  Physics  Live @ Reed College  
 9. IAYD  Physics  Supergalactic  
 10. IAYD  Physics  Supergalactic  
 11. BOLIVAR, Pablo  Simulated Physics  Simulated Physics 
 12. Gospel Gossip  Revolutions In Physics  Sing Into My Mouth 
 13. Simon Bates  What do I know about Physics Education?  Physics General Interest Seminars 07/08 (UoE) 
 14. Drone  Hybrid Physics  upfree15 - Summer Hits Compilation 
 15. Gospel Gossip  Revolutions In Physics  Sing Into My Mouth 
 16. The J. Arthur Keenes Band  Quantum Physics   
 17. Drone  Hybrid Physics  Summer Hits Compilation 
 18. Cornell Chronicle  Physics and Music   
 19. Robert Duncan  Physics and Literature  Physics and Literature, Miriam College, 1978 
 20. Hidden  Hydrodynamic Physics  Alexisstar Morphalite 
 21. Robert Duncan  Physics and Literature  Physics and Literature, Miriam College, 1978 
 22. Buzz Skyline  Valentine's Day Physics  The Physics Of Sex 
 23. King Of Prussia  Physics Never Stood   
 24. DJ ElfOnTheTree  Physics Dream...  Physics Dream [single] 
 25. Sam Wise  SOS004 Physics: A Brief History  Sorting out Science 
 26. Aural Rage  Physics is all very good- snippets  A Nature of Nonsense 
 27. Sam Wise  SOS004 Physics: A Brief History  Sorting out Science 
 28. ANU Physics PhD Students  Physics Students Uncovered  National Science Week Public L 
 29. Sam Wise  SOS004 Physics: A Brief History  Sorting out Science 
 30. Henri Poincaré  12 - The Theories of Modern Physics  Science and Hypothesis 
   1 2 3 4 5    »
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